


By not simply building financial and social capital, but also investing in an “eternal” portfolio, you can become a good and faithful steward. With this type of portfolio, you will never have to suffer losses due to “moth and rust”. Stewardship also involves discovering and honing your God-given gifts, receiving spiritual guidance and – once in a while – going on spiritual retreats. The return on investment on these are lasting, rendering your legacy prosperous.

Be A Good And Faithful Steward

Luke 12:21 teaches us that, to be Rich in God, you need to have an intimate relationship with Jesus and set your hopes on heavenly, rather than material, wealth. It is therefore crucial to follow Jesus in every area of your life – not just in certain designated areas. Simply put, God needs to be present in your finances, work, body, entertainment, sport, marriage, relationships, parenthood, spiritual growth and self-actualisation. When investing in an eternal portfolio, it is important to delve into Jesus’ teaching on said fields to see what is truly important. His commission to make disciples, baptise them and instruct them in His ways was his last instruction before ascending to Heaven. We are called to obedience (stewardship). How does your eternal portfolio look? Everyone has to answer this important question for themself.

  • Philanthropic services
    We like to assist family office clients who want to become involved in philanthropic projects, and encourage them to invest not only capital, but also their time, expertise and energy.
    Send an email to Willem Lategan at willem@rig.ac to find out more.
  • Seminars and retreats
    As the need arises, RiG hosts marriage seminars, men’s and women’s retreats, usually in partnership with local churches. Contact us if you are interested.
  • Leave a Lasting Legacy
    We take Jesus’ command in Matthew 24:13 seriously: “this gospel of the kingdom must be announced to the whole world, as a witness to ALL people groups.” Jesus’ last words are our greatest priority. RiG has adopted an unreached and unengaged people group, situated in a dangerous area where the Gospel is completely prohibited. The Bible has never been translated into their language and they have no Jesus film. We have teamed up with Wycliffe Bible Translators and Seed Company to change that!
    See https://www.leavealastinglegacy.org/our-story/ for more details on the project and how you can get involved.
  • Journey of Generosity
    Generosity Path is a movement that operates globally, sharing the Biblical message of generosity. They help those whom God has entrusted with much as they host conversations about the joy and freedom that flow from a life generously lived.
    A Journey of Generosity is an overnight retreat focused on the joy of giving generously. It includes stories of generous givers, interactive discussions, reflection opportunities and Bible study that enables participants to process the Biblical message of generosity. It offers a safe space among a small group of peers (free from solicitations or recommendations of specific charities, giving mechanisms, or financial advice) to delve into biblical generosity. Talking about money can be uncomfortable, even among close friends, yet it is a conversation that many of us desire to have.
    Many people who want to talk to you about money want something from you. Generosity Path is privately funded, so you’ll never be asked for money. Ever. Here is their agenda: they want to give you the gift of conversation. They want your heart to be captured by Jesus and generosity and to create a place to figure out what that means for your journey. They don’t want something from you, they want something for you.
    See https://www.generositypath.org/ for more details, or contact us at RiG to find out about retreats in South Africa.
